Friday, September 4, 2009

Baby = Free Food

On Monday I got approved for WIC! We had just done a big shopping trip on Sat when Todd got into town, so we didn't need to get anything til yesterday. For this shopping trip all we needed was milk and eggs. I used the check with 2 gals of milk, 1 doz eggs, and 2 bottles of juice and saved a grand total of.... $14.35. Not a ton, but free is free!! Next time I go shopping I will use the larger check which includes: 2 gal milk, 2 bottles of juice, 36oz of cereal, 1 doz eggs, 1 jar peanut butter, and a pound of cheese!! I am very excited and feeling very blessed!


emmalou said...

Yay! It's great that we have programs out there to help people afford a healthy family. :)

Unknown said...

WIC is truly a blessing.

Katie Lewis said...

amen. that's cool that you get bottlr=ed juice, but it's probably just as well that we only get frozen- takes up less space!

p.s. i want to see you real bad. come play!

Katie Lewis said...

oops. i am typing one-handed and just noticed my mistake. i meant bottled, of course.